Upcoming Events

Witness the cosmic messages from Archangels Gabriel and Ariel as they deliver profound messages that Jodie channels for Keeta and her delightfully literal interpretations. 

Discover the intriguing role of Adjacents - the Angelic realm's cosmic messenger service. These extraordinary beings, like Keeta, bridge the gap between dimensions, embodying themselves on Earth as dogs, cats, horses, and other animals.

Don't miss this chance to connect with the Angelic realm. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring realm of celestial communication, experiencing the profound, loving wisdom of the Archangels firsthand - all while having some giggles!

This is a MONTHLY Zoom call for Angelic insights, Timeline Updates, Energy Changes and Messages from the Angelic Realm. 

Join us the 3rd Sunday of each month via ZOOM.

You will receive the ZOOM link the day of the call.

Register here.


A portion of the proceeds go directly for Keeta's food and care.