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   Soul Threads Part # 3:   

Karmic Patterns & Looping: Unraveling the Ties That Bind


In Soul Threads Part # 3, we will be continuing our adventure into the intriguing concept of past-life connections and their influence on present-day relationships.

We’ll be looking at certain relationship dynamics that may be influenced by patterns from past lives then discovering how to unravel the ties that bind the two of you together. This includes venturing into the depths of the soul threads to explore the mysteries of past-life imprints on our most intimate connections. This is not just about partners, but also family ties.

  • Recap of Understanding Soul Threads: Recap of the concept of soul threads as the energetic connections between individuals. 
  • Theory of Soul Thread Connections: Understand the theory and history of past-life connections.
  • Recurring Patterns: Identify recurring patterns in relationships that may be influenced by past lives.
  • Techniques: Explore various methodologies for uncovering past-life patterns.
  • Transformation: Develop skills for transforming and healing past-life influenced patterns.
  • Healing Current Connections: Apply insights from past-life exploration to improve current relationships.

Date: POSTPONED - New Date TBD
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm ET 
Place: Zoom (also being recorded)
Cost: $88 per person  
Please be sure to include your email address.
You will receive the ZOOM link via email prior to the class time.
If you have not taken the Introduction to Soul Threads & Past Lives Class or Soul Threads Part # 2, the video recordings are available for purchase.





Jodie Foster: intuitive guide and counselor

Jodie Foster is an experienced and compassionate intuitive guide and counselor, who has been honing her abilities for over 35 years. Her inherent ability lies in reading soul threads, the intricate tapestry of energy and experiences that make up each individual's essence. Drawing upon her extensive experience and intuitive gifts along with a degree in psychology, she assists individuals in unraveling the threads of their soul's story. By tapping into the unseen realms and connecting with universal energies, she offers guidance that resonates at a profound level. Through sessions with her, you can expect to gain insight into your past, present and potential future, empowering you to make conscious choices aligned with your soul's highest purpose.  Read more about Soul Readings.